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USA UK and Malta News
29/10/2007 - 20:19

Editoweb: UK today, 29 oct. 07

Embassy terror attack 'foiled' in Azerbaijan - Socialite named as royal sex and drugs ''blackmailer'' - Charities welcome plans for child poverty unit - Study finds organic food is healthier - 3 and Skype launch VoIP mobile calls.

3 and Skype launch VoIP mobile calls (vnunet.com)
Mobile operator 3 has launched the 3 Skypephone, a mobile phone capable of making VoIP calls over its mobile network. Ovum's principal analyst, John Delaney, pointed out that the rival mobile operators, such as Vodafone, T-Mobile and Orange, have all taken flak recently for alleged hostility towards customers using VoIP on their networks.

Embassy terror attack 'foiled' in Azerbaijan (telegraph.co.uk)
A large-scale terrorist attack on embassies and government facilities in Azerbaijan has been foiled, according to authorities. The British embassy in Baku closed temporarily today and the US embassy scaled back its operations in response to the threat.

Socialite named as royal sex and drugs ''blackmailer'' (thisislondon.co.uk)
A well-known socialite on the London club scene has been named as one of the alleged blackmailers behind the royal sex and drugs blackmail plot. Ian Strachan, 30, of Chelsea, and Sean McGuigan, 40, of Battersea, have been charged with attempting to blackmail the royal over video evidence, in which an aide allegedly claimed the royal performed a sex act on the assistant.

Charities welcome plans for child poverty unit (Guardian Unlimited)
Children's charities have welcomed the government's plans for a cross-departmental child poverty unit but say more funding is needed to halve child poverty by 2010. Phillipa Hunt, said: "Save the Children has long been lobbying for greater cross-government coordination to tackle the pressing issues surrounding child poverty, so..."

Study finds organic food is healthier (farmersguardian.com)
A scientific study (Newcastle University) found that organic fruit and vegetables contained more than 40 per cent more antioxidants and could reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Scientists also found that organic milk contained almost 90 per cent more antioxidants than non-organic milk.b[
B. G. Source Web
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