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USA UK and Malta News
20/10/2007 - 19:03

EditoWeb USA NeWs: Giuliani woos religious right with values pitch

Republican presidential front-runner Rudy Giuliani appealed to religious conservatives on Saturday to look beyond his support for abortion rights and focus on shared values, such as fighting crime and his vow to relentlessly pursue the war on terror.

"I truly believe that what unites us is greater than any of the things which divide us," former New York mayor Giuliani told a gathering of self-described "values voters" -- mostly white evangelical Protestants who comprise a key segment of the Republican base.

Stridently anti-abortion and anti-gay rights, this movement of social conservatives has watched with dismay as Giuliani, who shot to national prominence after the Sept 11 attacks, grabbed the lead in the race for the Republican 2008 presidential nomination.

Some have spoken of backing a third party candidate to fly their anti-abortion banner should he become the nominee. Opposition to abortion has become an almost sacred Republican plank because of the religious right's influence but Giuliani threatens to break that taboo.

The thrice-married Giuliani, a Roman Catholic who also supports gay rights, dismissed charges that he was an "activist for liberal causes" and told the crowd that Christianity was a religion of "inclusion".

"Christianity is all about inclusiveness. It's built around the most profound act of love in human history, isn't it?" said Giuliani, who also assured the audience during a 40-minute speech that he felt his faith deeply but privately.

He often drew warm applause but no thunderous ovations.

Sticking to religious themes, Giuliani said morning prayers were part of his daily routine at Catholic schools. The first time he didn't pray before class was when he started law school.
SD/Source Web
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