USA UK and Malta News
07/12/2007 22:15

USA today, Editoweb 07 dec 2007

Poll: Hispanic shift toward Democrats - The Clinton resisters - Romney's Risky Faith Gambit - Southern state's immigration stance stirs controversy - Can Oprah sell Obama on US campaign swing?

Poll: Hispanic shift toward Democrats
Hispanics are returning to the Democratic Party after several years of drifting toward the Republicans, with many saying Bush administration policies have harmed their community, a poll showed Thursday.
By 57 percent to 23 percent, more Hispanic registered voters say they favor Democrats than Republicans, according to a survey by the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center.

The Clinton resisters
There are women who for varying reasons are put off by the Democratic front-runner. But most say if she's the nominee, she'll get their vote.
On paper, they look an awful lot like Hillary Rodham Clinton. They are professional women of a certain age -- politically active Democrats, liberals, unabashed feminists who remember what it was like to be told they could not become firefighters or university department heads, let alone president of the United States of America.

Romney's Risky Faith Gambit
Speaking at the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas Thursday morning, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney countered questions about his Mormon faith by throwing down an implicit question of his own to religious conservatives: Who are you more afraid of - Mormons or secularists?
The speech marked a shift in approach for Romney, who has previously sought to highlight areas of agreement between his faith and evangelical Christianity.

Southern state's immigration stance stirs controversy
North Carolina's decision to order community colleges to admit illegal immigrants has stirred fresh debate over one the thorniest issues in the 2008 presidential race.
Reaction to the directive, issued by state authorities, has been overwhelmingly negative in this conservative southern state, and the five major candidates for governor -- Democrats and Republicans -- have opposed the new policy.

Can Oprah sell Obama on US campaign swing?
She banks 260 million dollars a year as America's top earning celebrity and sends novel sales rocketing with her television book club -- but can she sell Barack Obama?
US talk show queen Oprah Winfrey makes her campaign trail debut this weekend, with huge crowds expected to watch her bestow her showbiz blessing on the Democratic White House hopeful.

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