USA UK and Malta News
02/01/2008 - 21:25

USA today Editoweb, 02 jan 2008

Candidates make last-minute Iowa appeals - Fla. citrus growers brace for cold snap - Edwards, Obama play the anti-Clinton card in White House race - Oil futures rise to $100 a barrel - Fed concerned about economic uncertainty.

Candidates make last-minute Iowa appeals
Presidential candidates are making a final plea to Iowans: turn out for tomorrow's caucuses. Democrat Barack Obama says the "only thing that counts" is showing up. And Republican Mike Huckabee is urging followers to "rent a van" or even "hijack your church's bus" to get bodies to the precincts. Polls are tight for the leading Republicans and Democrats.

Fla. citrus growers brace for cold snap
Farmers rushed to protect citrus and other crops Tuesday as Florida braced for plunging temperatures, with the governor even lifting certain agricultural regulations as a precaution.
Temperatures were expected to drop below freezing in much of the state Tuesday night, hitting the lower to mid-20s for a few hours in many areas.

Edwards, Obama play the anti-Clinton card in White House race
As the top Democratic hopefuls jostle for position in the first contests of the 2008 White House race, there is one thing uniting Barack Obama and John Edwards -- they are not Hillary Clinton.
The latest polls have shown the three are in a tight race as the key state of Iowa prepares to cast the first dice Thursday in nominating contests for Democratic and Republican Party presidential candidates.

Oil futures rise to $100 a barrel
Crude oil prices soared to $100 a barrel Wednesday for the first time, reaching that milestone amid an unshakeable view that global demand for oil and petroleum products will outstrip supplies.
Surging economies in China and India fed by oil and gasoline have sent prices soaring over the past year, while tensions in oil producing nations like Nigeria and Iran have increasingly made investors nervous and invited speculators to drive prices even higher.

Fed concerned about economic uncertainty
Worsening problems in the housing, credit and financial markets drove the Federal Reserve to do an about-face in December and slice its key interest rate yet again with the hope it would help bolster an economy that was losing speed, according to meeting minutes made public Wednesday.

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