USA UK and Malta News
09/11/2008 19:16

UK Today Editoweb 9 november 2008

William's Royal Air Farce Flights - Queen Leads Nation In Remembrance - Queen Leads Remembrance Tributes.

William's Royal Air Farce Flights

Prince William failed to inform senior RAF officers of the "true nature" of a helicopter training flight used to attend a stag party, new documents reveal.

Queen Leads Nation In Remembrance

The Queen has led the nation at a Remembrance Day service held at the Cenotaph to reflect on Britain's war dead in past and present conflicts.

Queen Leads Remembrance Tributes

The Queen has led the nation at a memorial service held at the Cenotaph in remembering Britain's war dead in past and present conflicts.

Queen leads nation in commemoration

The Queen led the nation in acknowledging the ultimate sacrifice made by Britain's war dead at the Remembrance Sunday ceremony.

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