05/06/2009 19:46

SFR launches mobile video services in La Réunion

in one month with AtomiZ.

Paris, 13rd May 2009. SFR La Réunion has selected Media K Factory™ mobile video software solution developed by AtomiZ for the launch of its mobile video service in La Réunion.

AtomiZ is a software editor and an integrator of media encoding and delivery technologies. Media K Factory™ software solution encodes and delivers on an industrial scale pictures, sounds and videos that are compatible with most mobile and fixed of terminal formats “The provision of an end-to-end mobile video solution to SFR La Réunion atteststhe value of our technology solution and the relevance of our business model” declares David Valcke, CEO of AtomiZ.

The end-to-end AtomiZ solution selected by SFR La Réunion encompasses video streaming, on demand video encoding, Live and Virtual Live TV channels and includes the relaying of TV channels from Metropolitan France to La Réunion.

AtomiZ has deployed an innovative solution in order to meet specific constraints formulated by SFR La Réunion in terms of bandwidth cost (Paris to La Réunion) and time to market (1 month). Media K Factory™ streaming servers are dedicated and distributed locally within SFR La Réunion infrastructure whereas encoding servers are mutualized and centralized in AtomiZ Metropolitan platform.

Thanks to this innovative architecture, SFR Le Réunion has been able to launch its new 3G mobile video services in only one month.

“Thanks to Media K Factory ™, we have been able to develop a reliable and simple process to integrate our streaming platform for our clients and content providers” declares Yves Gauvin, Services Manager in the arketing departmentat SFR La Réunion.

To guarantee the highest degree of autonomy to the local SFR team, AtomiZ has provided a skill transfer to the local team for the operation of Media K Factory ™ streaming and Virtual Live TV local solution. .  

About AtomiZ: AtomiZ is a software editor and an integrator of media encoding and delivery technologies. Since 2002 AtomiZ has supplied mobile video platforms and managed services in 7 countries to SFR/Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile, NRJ and Universal. Media K Factory™ software solution is AtomiZ flagship product and brings compatibility with more than 500 pictures, audio and video formats as well as an array of more than 50 value added features. Media K Factory™ brings great cost and performance improvement and innovative business models: virtual channels, interactivity, advertising, on-demand encoding.

About SFR LA Réunion: With 63% market share, SFR is the leading telecommunication company in La Réunion. It covers more than 70% of the local population with a 3G+ network and reaches 99% of the local population with an EDGE network.

Contact : AtomiZ
      153, avenue d’Italie - 75013 Paris
      +33 (0)

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