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19/01/2012 - 16:08

Malta by hot night with One38 Lounge Bar

Malta by hot night with One38 Lounge Bar, Tower Road Sliema Phone (+ 356) 99 02295 night bar in Malta and the coolest night bar of Malta offering nightly entertainment and probably the best.

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Romain and his friends will welcome you both English and French and Italian in a charming renovated decor for your relaxation and pleasure of a hot night in Malta. In a relaxed, One38 Lounge bar, night bar in Malta, offers original cocktails accompanied by appetizers and music. At One38 Lounge bar, night bar in Malta, you will spend unforgettable moments in the cheerfulness and friendliness and you will have an unforgettable memory of Malta by hot night. And it's not an empty word: Maltese people are friendly, open and a gay character. At One38 Lounge bar, night bar in Malta, the atmosphere is cool and you will be greeted as if customers were long. We went for you at One38 Lounge Bar, night bar in Malta and have found that Malta by hot night, it was the One38 Lounge bar and nowhere else.
Malta by hot night with One38 lounge bar organizes your party or birthday celebrations: they will be as hot as you can wish and they will extend as late as you want in this night bar in Malta. Simply request a quote by phone. Roman One38 Lounge Bar, a leader in Malta by hot night will respond in real time.
Malta by hot night with One38 Lounge Bar, Tower Road Sliema Phone + 356 99 22 Feb. 95, night bar in Malta and night bar the coolest of Malta.

Malta by hot night with One38 Lounge Bar
To join One38 Lounge Bar, night bar in Malta:
Phone (+ 356) 99 02 22 95
Tower Road, Sliema.malta
Report prepared by Magesta ltd Malta , Phone: 356 79497482 & 356 21375393, 47 Triq L’Adrijatiku, The Village, San Gwann MALTA  www.magestanews.com
 Key words: Malta by hot night, One38 Lounge Bar, night bar in Malta; Malta news,

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